Our Story

In 1883, the Lord moved during a revival meeting held by Reverend D.H. Clements at Bailiff Church near West York, Illinois. Following this revival, a number of people, repented from their sins and turned in faith to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This group of new believers covenanting together, along with a number of others from a neighboring church, founded Mt. Olive Baptist Church on April 21, 1883.

During the early days, Mt. Olive held meetings monthly until 1930 when bi-monthly services began. Since 1949, the church has been faithfully gathering every Sunday.

Today, the church meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 for Sunday School followed by an 10:30 service and again at 5:00 p.m. In addition to meeting on Sundays, the church also meets on Wednesday evening at 5:00 p.m. to share a meal followed by a time of Bible Study at 6:00. We welcome anyone to join us during these times.

Over the years, God has blessed Mt. Olive in numerous ways as we seek to glorify God through: worshiping Him, edifying His people and evangelizing the world. We are grateful for nearly 140 years of ministry and prayerfully look forward to even greater faithfulness and fruitfulness in years to come!